Does This Look Like the Face of A WV High School Student Who Asked For An Injunction Against Her Principal After He Threatened To Call Wellesley College And Say Bad Things About Her Because She Protested An Abstinence Assembly


CHARLESTON, W.Va.A student at George Washington High School asked for an injunction in Kanawha Circuit Court against the school’s principal Monday, after she alleges he threatened to call the college where she’s been accepted and tell them she has “bad character” for speaking up against an abstinence-only assembly held at the school last week. Katelyn Campbell, the school’s student body vice president, refused to attend an assembly where Christian speaker Pam Stenzel told GW students “condoms aren’t safe” and warned that any type of sexual contact would lead to sexually transmitted diseases and cause women to be infertile, according to an audio recording of her presentation.

Aulenbacher called Campbell to the principal’s office after she contacted media outlets about the assembly and said, “I am disappointed in you” and “How could you go to the press without telling me?” according to the complaint. He then allegedly threatened to call Wellesley College, where Campbell has been accepted, and tell them about her actions. “How would you feel if I called your college and told them what bad character you have and what a backstabber you are?” he said, according to the complaint.”I said, ‘Go ahead,'” Campbell said Monday. “He continued to berate me in his office. I’m not an emotional person, but I cried. He threatened me and my future in order to put forth his own personal agenda and made teachers and students feel they cant speak up because of fear of retaliation.”


You know what the funniest part of this story is? The principal threatening to call Wellesley College on this chick. I’m sure that would have gone over well.. Seriously I would have loved to seen how that conversation went. “Umm yeah one of your future feminist students is sticking up for women and telling me that I shouldn’t have an abstinence assembly preaching that girls who use birth control go to hell”. Wellesley College would have had an army of feminists surrounding the school within the hour and placed this idiot under feminist arrest.

PS – Even though I 100% agree with this girl and she is 100% right here I’m still putting her in my dangerous persons folder for the future. A loud mouth feminist coming to Wellesley College is just somebody we need to keep our eyes on at all times.

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