There Is More Video Evidence Suggesting We Have Found James Harden's New Secret Move

A quick update for those of you who have actual lives and don’t spend your time watching any and every NBA workout video that hits the internet because you miss basketball so much. For those who haven’t been following this story, a few months ago James Harden let the world know that he had a new secret move in the works that was going to make people very mad

“You got to find ways to create an advantage every single year. And that’s what I’m doing. It’s not a travel. This year, I’m going to come up with something more creative, and it’s gonna look like a travel but it’s not. Honestly! Even when I was on a tour, in Europe or China, or even when I’m here in the U.S., I see kids your guys’ age that are working on step-backs, working on moves, because it’s going to gain you an opportunity to be better than the rest of your peers. And that’s what I’m going for.

So until they call it a travel, if they start calling it, I’ll continue to find ways and find ways to get creative and make my impact on the game.”

I love it. People already get real triggered when it comes to James Harden and his stepbacks. Are they travels? Maybe, but if you don’t call it then tough luck. To hear that he was going to work on something new that was going to push the travel envelope even further, I’m all in. We already know James Harden is one of the most creative offensive forces the NBA has ever seen so really this could have been anything. Then, videos started hitting the internet and it looked like we had a candidate for what this move might be

Hmm, certainly pretty convincing, but hey maybe it was just Harden fucking around in some pick up. Well that brings me to today and our latest bit of evidence that suggests you know what, James Harden is 100% going to unleash a one footed stepback three this season.

Doing it in pick up runs is one thing. Getting reps of it in with NBA super trainer Chris Brickley is what officially convinces me this is the move Harden was referencing. Brickley isn’t going to waste time on something that a guy can’t use for the upcoming season. If you thought his patented stepback made you mad before, just wait until he baits a player into a foul by extending that right leg. You know at the slightest bit of contact he’s falling to the ground and given his superstar status that is a call he is going to get pretty much every single time. I can already see how mad people will be that Harden is getting 4 point plays off a move that may or may not be a travel. That’s how you take your trolling up a notch.

Now with almost any other player I would say stop being an asshole and shoot normal off two feet like a regular NBA player. But that’s what makes Harden so special, this is normal for him. As someone who already has the deepest offensive bag in the NBA, it’s almost getting unfair if he’s going to be making this move on a consistent basis. I know people hate watching Harden play, and I just don’t get it. He does things on a basketball court that nobody has ever really seen before and he does it on a consistent basis.

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