BREAKING: Antonio Brown is Being Sued For Rape

SourceAntonio Brown is being sued by a woman who claims the New England Patriots star WR sexually assaulted and raped her during 3 separate encounters … this according to a new lawsuit obtained by TMZ Sports.

The woman behind the lawsuit, who identifies herself as Britney Taylor, says she was hired by Brown as a personal trainer. Taylor claims the first incident happened in June 2017 during a training session when “Brown exposed himself and kissed [her] without her consent.”

Taylor then describes a second alleged incident … “Later that month, Brown, while positioned behind her, began masturbating near her without her knowledge and ejaculated on her back.”

Taylor claims the first incident occurred at Brown’s home in Pittsburgh and the second incident occurred at Brown’s home in Florida.

According to the lawsuit, filed in federal court in Florida, Taylor claims Brown bragged about the incident to her in “profane and angry text messages.”

Several months later, the accuser claims Brown reached out to her to express contrition and “begged forgiveness.”

Taylor claims Brown begged her to continue training him — and after initial hesitation, she ultimately agreed.

However, the woman claims nearly a year later — on May 20, 2018 “Brown cornered [her] forced her down onto a bed, pushed her face into the mattress, and forcibly raped her.”

UPDATE: Brown’s attorney, Darren Heitner, has issued a statement adamantly denying the allegations — and claiming she only filed the suit to punish him for refusing to invest $1.6 million in a “business project” back in 2017.

Brown admits there was a “consensual personal relationship” between the two — acknowledging the accuser came to his home on multiple occasions … including a late night visit just 10 days after the alleged 2018 rape.

Brown also claims in Winter 2018 she hit up Brown to ask for tickets to Steelers football game — and has continued to post pics with AB on her social media to benefit from the association with him.

Brown says he will “pursue all legal remedies to not only clear his name, but to also protect other professional athletes against false accusations.”

I don’t know. You don’t know. No one knows.

This is one of those situations that, as it unfolds and information comes out, the last thing you want to be in on the wrong side of a snap judgement. Unless you’re someone who doesn’t care about being wrong, you just want to be first. In which case you’re a maniac.

Right now all we can say for sure – and we all need to keep in mind – is that there is one hell of a lot of difference between being charged with a crime, which requires probable cause and a certain standard of proof, and being accused of something in a lawsuit. Those are two very, very different standards.

That said, those DMs aren’t going to do Antonio Brown any favors. But at this point we don’t even know what we don’t know other than an accusation and a denial.

It must be really interesting in the Brady Bundchen house tonight.

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