Klay Thompson, Whose Mom Buys His Clothes For Him, Says His Movie Star Girlfriend Makes Him Dress Like A Grown Man Now

Goddamnit I love Klay Thompson. The man just knows how to not give a shit in the world and say whatever he wants in interviews. And then, no matter what Jack Mac thinks, he turns into a hell of a player on the floor.

Now we have him talking about dating Laura Harrier, who was in movies like Spider Man: Homecoming and BlacKkKlansman. He says she’s making him dress like a grown man now. We’ve all been there, but remember this is a man whose mom buys his clothes for him:

This just shows that every man, no matter how good at basketball you are, has to have the same conversation with their significant other at some point. Mostly that is stop being a child, stop being a slob and at least present yourself like a man. I say this as someone who is currently wearing a pair of free shorts a team sent me and a t-shirt I’ve had for 12-years that is stained. Class, class, class.

But, hey when you’re dating a movie star/model, you have to make some changes:

And if that doesn’t work, he can always go back to his ex:

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