KFC Radio Episode 50 Part 2: Would You Rather Being The Best Looking Dude Alive Or Be Able To Read Women's Minds

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Second half of lucky number 50 here to help you get through Thursday afternoon and bridge the gap to football. Real heated topic this episode regarding a Would You Rather. Be the best looking guy in the world? Or be able to hear women’s thoughts, a la Mel Gibson in that movie What Women Want? I thought it was an absolute layup, no brainer. So did Big Cat and Feits. Only thing was we picked different.

I would 500% pick being the best looking dude in the world over reading chick’s minds. Whats the point of reading a girls mind? I can tell you what any chick is thinking right fucking now without any special powers. They are either complaining that they don’t have a boyfriend or they are complaining about the boyfriend they have. They hate their bosses and coworkers and are “so stressed about work.” Probably bitching about one of her girlfriends. Boom. Done. Thats what’s going on in their brains like 90% of the time.

What do women want? They want boyfriends. With money. What do they want if they already have a boyfriend? They want said boyfriend to apologize for whatever it is he’s done wrong recently.

If I know what she’s thinking, I can always win every argument! Newsflash, you can’t “win” arguments with women. Because they are arguing based on emotion and you’re arguing based on logic. It doesn’t matter if your argument is logically unbeatable, she’ll just continue crying and complaining and blaming you for other shit. So you’re never gonna “win.” You’ll make solid points and she’ll still just be mad at your forever. If you’re in the middle of an argument and use your special powers to get inside her head and figure out what she needs to hear for this argument to end, here’s what you’re gonna hear:

I wish he would just say he’s wrong and apologize.

If I know what to say, I can fuck any girl in the world! If I’m the best looking man in the world, I can fuck any girl anyway. While putting in a lot less work. Not to mention, you can already figure out a lot of the right shit to say to chicks to get them in your bed. There’s a reason why you use all the same lines and material every time you’re at the bar. It works. There’s a reason you send out the same text to like 5 different chicks in your phone when you’re going out for the night. They all respond. There’s a reason why all that Pick Up Artist shit works on all sorts of chicks. Because inside their head, they think they want some Prince Charming who’s gonna sweep them off their feet Romantic Comedy Style, when in reality if you’re a little bit funny, confident, and you act like a little bit of a douche without being too big of a douche, they end up fucking you. They end up going against everything they thought they wanted and regret it in the morning. So really, knowing what she wants doesn’t do shit. Its just about knowing that the complete opposite of their lunatic thoughts is whats gonna trick them into banging you.

In summation, there’s really no value to getting inside the brains of chicks. They are all irrational lunatics. You either already know exactly what they want to hear, or you understand that what they think they want is actually totally wrong. I’ll just pick being Leonardo Dicaprio and fucking whoever I want without caring at all whats happening in their brains.


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