Michigan Outlasts Army In A Game That Was Closer Than Expected

Credit to West Point for sticking in there. No one gave them a chance to win this game. They never really had a legit shot at walking into the Big House and coming out with the victory but they tried their best and they can certainly be proud of that. Three years in a row with a closer and respectable loss for West Point. Penn State. Oklahoma. Michigan. Staying in those games is about as good as you can hope for. Congrats to my boss David Portnoy on the win. Congrats to my cohost Capt Cons on the almost. What a fun game.

One last note. I’ve had several people reach out to me and say that it’s Connor’s fault for leaving the press box. Army was doing well until he left. Personally, I dont believe in things like that but it’s gotta be a tough pill to swallow for those who do.

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