Stephen A. Smith is Everything That is Right With America

Sometimes the culture of an entire nation can be summed up in just a few images. The painting of Washington crossing the Delaware. A Matthew Brady portrait of Lincoln, the stress of a nation at war with itself lined in his face. The flag raising atop Mt. Suribachi. JFK calling the nation to its great space adventure. Neil Armstrong saluting Old Glory at Tranquility Base. And I think now we can add to those defining, iconic images we can add the visage of the brave and noble Stephen A. Smith in Dallas.

I mean, this is freedom, achievement and prosperity all one tableau. The Stars and Stripes. That very emblem of the conquering the wilderness, the cowboy hat, perched on his head. A cigar, the symbol for victory and individual liberty in his mighty fist. And a Tom Brady jersey. The adornment of the Greatest American Success story of them all. One that literally has the word “Patriots” spelled right out on it.

And mostly, it’s the footage of hacked off Cowboys fans voicing their disapproval that really moves me. Our country’s most treasured sports broadcaster, wading into the crowd and trolling them into a frenzy. Fearless. Courageous. Victorious.

This is what America is all about, my friends. We need to make sure this footage makes it into the hands of all who wish to do us harm around the world. To demonstrate that this is what we are all about. And we will never back down as long as Stephen A. is on our side. Godspeed.

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