Yeah Well The Redskins Didn't *Want* To Be In Your Dumb Little Picture Anyway

Something….something is missing…and I just can’t place my finger on it….oh yes! That’s silly. Just blatantly no Redskins player to be found on that poster. You got a guy from the Bengals, from the Jaguars, shit, even Antonio Brown made it on. But no Redskins player. Shaking my damn head. Well guess what? We don’t want to be on your dumb picture anyway. Ol’ pandering for RTs face ass. Hey FOX, stop using cameras made in 1998 and upgrade to 1080 for fucks sake. Boom, roasted.

Obviously this is not a big deal at all, someone fucked up and put the Falcons on twice, but oh man, the internet is not being so kind.

For example, this Cowboys fan loser who definitely goes into opposing teams Reddit pages and says “Cowboys fan coming in peace”

We accept your apology, Roy. Thank you for being so brave.

Skins fans shared their frustrations and displeasures as well:



I mean I honestly cannot believe how upset people got at this.

But then again imagine if it was the Patriots? Jerry Thornton wouldn’t sleep for a week. So I went ahead and fixed it.

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