12 Years Later, The First September 11th Anniversary With Freedom Tower Completed (Almost)


Freedom Tower. One World Trade. Whatever you wanna call it. Yea, its still not 100% complete. But it is open, and its the largest building in the Western Hemisphere. Nothing from 9/11 can ever really be replaced. The people who died or the Towers that fell. But with this skyscraper near completion, we’ve got a new skyline. A new iconic building. The past 10 or 11 years there was nothing but an empty hole in Manhattan or a stump peaking out. Kind of a depressing look every year the anniversary rolled around. Like a constant reminder all those years later we still really hadn’t fully recovered. But this year, a new Tower 1,776 feet in the air officially puts New York back on top again. Yea, its superficial. And of course, for some people, this building will not signify recovery or ease their pain. But on the surface, this building symbolizes a new structure in lower Manhattan for the rest of the world to once again look at in awe. A new building for tourists and New Yorkers and the media and Hollywood and whoever else to enjoy in the future.

Its a nice new wrinkle on a day thats obviously usually pretty somber. A building to make new memories rather than having to dig up upsetting ones about the buildings we lost. Like we always say – Never Forget – but now you can look forward too.

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