Breaking Bad Recap - "To'hajiilee"
Brock looks like the Queen My Dishes kid! Todd wants to fuck Lydia and will most likely end up wearing her skin! Quite possibly the most explosive episode in the history of Breaking Bad. Lets do it!
Also quite possibly the most ridiculous cliffhanger in the history of television. Thanks to some absolutely awful marksmanship from dudes with automatic shotguns:
we’re left with every major player in the desert having an incredibly lopsided gunfight. I’m not gonna harp upon how unrealistic that scene was, but I mean c’mon. 2 dudes standing still out in the open with 6 guns opening fire and nobody is hit. I mean I understand at the end of the day its a TV and they are trying to build action packed, exciting scenes, but that wasn’t very Breaking Bad-esque. I thought I was watching Sons of Anarchy for a moment. Hank using cleverly using cell phone pictures to manipulate his targets – picture perfect Breaking Bad. Unlimited ammo gunfights in the desert? Not so much. But whatever, moving on.
The tension building up to the gunfight felt like a series finale. The Walt vs. Hank showdown in the exact location where the meth empire first began. Any other show probably would have culminated in that sort of scenario. This brief moment of surrender in Walt’s eyes looked like it was all over
At that moment I was like “How the fuck are we getting 3 more episodes? He’s done.” Obviously the Nazis were looming, and from the flash forward, we know Walt survives. But it just seemed like he could have put a gun to his head right there and it would have been fitting. But this is Vince Gilligan we’re talking about – dude has become master of the cliffhanger. Its like a cliffhangover – leaves you hurting the next day. So of course we have 3 more hours of the saga to go.
So the question is what happens from here? Hank and Gomez are sheets. There’s no way they survive this. They already should be dead. I think next week opens with them finally being killed. Obviously this means Walt has to finally disappear. If Hank is dead because of him, its time to call the vacuum man and escape off to New Hampshire with a machine gun in his trunk. I guess the big question is – does Jesse make it out of To’hajiilee alive? Personally, I think he does. I think he either bargains with the Nazis and offers to cook for them, or Walt digs up some of his money and pays them too leave. And this is where I think Walt comes full circle and returns to hero status. I think Walt and Jesse reunite in some capacity under the common enemy of Todd and the White Supremacists. They’re the only characters darker and more depraved than Walt. Hardened, cold blooded, murderers. I don’t know if Jesse and Walt will straight up work as a team again to dispose of them. But I think Walt has the guns in his trunk and retrieves the ricin cigarette in a scheme designed to defeat the Nazis, and keep Jesse, Skylar and Holly and Walt Jr. safe. The only 4 people he’s ever cared about.
PS – Maybe he takes the ricin himself? Perhaps in an effort to protect Jesse? Shows the Nazis he’s gonna die and Jesse is the only one who can cook so he’s protected forever? I suppose in that case though, he could just shoot himself and get the same effect without the dramatics. I dunno just spitballing here. But I think this all culminates with Walter sacrificing himself in order to save Jesse and his family.
PPS – That little minx Lydia still looming too. The only muscle she has though is Todd and the White Supremacists. But either way, what the fuck is gonna happen with her?