I Hope David Wilson Drowns In A Sea Of His Tears

How much do you think David Wilson and his buddies were joking around this week about last year’s opener? Cracking one-liners on his lone Indian tear or how, no matter what happens, this game could never be worse than that one. I bet someone even snuck in a wisecrack on the sidelines after his first fumble. “You need a tissue, lil’ homie?” Fast-forward 60 football minutes and Wilson went from a breakout candidate to single-handedly costing Big Blue a winnable opening game while fans clamor for Michael Turner or Brandon fucking Jacobs.

Dallas sucked dick tonight. Eli earned two of his three picks, but for the most part he carved them up at will. The nail in the coffin was the fault of a dude (Da’Rel Scott) who would’ve never been in the game if Wilson could protect the god damn ball. I know the loss isn’t as simple as his coughing it up once on first & goal and again for a TD adding up to at least a 10-point swing – but it IS pretty simple math.

This problem is bigger than a loss to the Cowgirls though. David Wilson has to be the answer this year. The Andre Brown insurance policy is out of the question for a while, and he’s no guarantee either. I don’t care what unwanted FA they snag or how much the G-Men want to pretend Scott can handle the gig. If Wilson can’t be a reliable backfield threat, the lack of a run game might be too much for Eli & the defense (which was solid whenever they weren’t on the field for 40 out of 45 plays) to make up for. So he better cry it all out & shape up before the Manning Bowl. Give Peyton the ball this often and 7 TDs will be his second-most of 2013.

Victor Cruz had a day though, huh?

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