Interview With The Hero (Carlos Arredondo) Who Tried To Save The Guy Whose Leg Got Blown Off


MUST READ –  Here is an article giving more details on Carlos Arredondo.   Turns out he is a fairly well known peace activist.  He was at the race supporting a group of guys running for fallen veterans including one runner who was running in honor of his son who died in Iraq in 2004.   Truly an amazing life story.


So people remember that horrific picture I posted yesterday of the guy who lost his leg? (As a reminder the picture is extremely graphic and gruesome so click at your discretion.) Well this is the guy who was trying to wrap his leg in a tourniquet while escorting him to the ambulance.   Notice how he’s still uncontrollably shaking during this interview.  Just the absolute definition of courage.  When you are scared shitless and still run to help. That’s what being a hero is all about.

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