Anthony Weiner Gets In A Shouting Match Jew-Fight On His Campaign
Shana Tova! Happy New Year to all my J double O’s out there! Looks like Tony Weiner with a mouthful of Challah bread was finally fed up with all the ridicule. Carlos Danger took over. Like when Bruce Banner turns into the Hulk. Anthony Weiner transforms from a timid Jew Ostrich to a fiery, confrontational, sexual deviant Jew Ostrich. The Jostrich thing never changes.
Gotta love this argument from Weiner. “Who are you to judge me!” Uhh pretty sure this is how politics works brah. The public gets to vote on your approval or disapproval. You can’t play the whole “Only God can judge me” card when literally your entire career is trying to convince the majority of the public the endorse you. Everyone gets to judge you. I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m right there with you bro. I don’t care if you sext broads. But I do care that you have terrible taste in women and you couldn’t even beat this guy in an argument.
Probably still gonna wind up Mayor too.
PS – How about that bald spot? Looks like a hurricane on the weather radar. Hurricane Danger.