Baseball Players and Fans Rejoice: Angel Hernandez Has To Undergo an 8 Hour Psych Evaluation As Part Of His Lawsuit Against Major League Baseball

Cubs Insider

The ongoing legal battle between Ángel Hernández and Major League Baseball took another turn Monday when it was ruled that the umpire would have to undergo a psychiatric evaluation and sit for additional questioning. According to Ryan Boysen of Law 360, a New York federal judge deemed the measures necessary in light of the $9 million emotional distress claim being sought.

Hernández, who is Cuban, claimed in the suit he filed against MLB in 2017 that he and other minority umpires are frequently bypassed for promotions and coveted playoff games despite solid job performance. He also claimed that Joe Torre, MLB’s chief baseball officer, holds a grudge against him for calls he made against the Yankees when Torre was the team’s manager.

I speak for every player, coach, and fan in Major League Baseball when I say, it’s about goddamn time. There is no umpire or ref in sports worse than Angel Hernandez. Everyone hates him. When they see he’s the crew chief or behind the plate they immediately roll their eyes and know this is going to be a long night. He’s the absolute worst.

The funniest part about Angel Hernandez still being employed by Major League Baseball is that he’s also suing Major League Baseball at the same time. He thinks it’s a case of racism that he doesn’t get big games anymore and Torre still holds a grudge against him.

Hernández, who is Cuban, claimed in the suit he filed against MLB in 2017 that he and other minority umpires are frequently bypassed for promotions and coveted playoff games despite solid job performance. He also claimed that Joe Torre, MLB’s chief baseball officer, holds a grudge against him for calls he made against the Yankees when Torre was the team’s manager.

Hey asshole, the reason you’re not getting big playoff games is because you ump games like you’re actually blind. You call balls and strikes like you’ve never seen the sport before. You’re one of the main reasons there is such a big push for robot umpires.

All I picture during this psych evaluation is them showing him ink blots of random things and him saying it looks like a ball or a guy who should be ejected.

Hopefully this evaluation gets Hernandez out of the MLB once and for all and put in an actual psych ward.

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