Beiber In Trouble Because He Signed Anne Frank's Guestbook "Hope You Would Have Been A Belieber"


AMSTERDAM (AP)Justin Bieber wrote an entry into a guestbook at the Anne Frank House museum in Amsterdam, saying he hoped the Jewish teenager who died in a Nazi concentration camp “would have been a Belieber” — or fan of his — if history were different. The message triggered a flood of comments on the museum’s Facebook page Sunday, with many criticizing the 19-year-old Canadian pop star for writing something they perceive to be insensitive. Calls made and emails sent to Bieber’s publicist and agent in Los Angeles weren’t immediately returned. Museum spokeswoman Maatje Mostart confirmed that Bieber visited Friday evening. She said the museum was happy to have received Bieber and didn’t see anything offensive in his remarks. Anne Frank hid with her family in a small apartment above a warehouse during the Nazi occupation of World War II. Her family was caught and deported, and Anne died of typhus in Bergen-Belsen in 1945. The diary she kept in hiding was recovered and published after the war, and has become the most widely read document to emerge from the Holocaust. Bieber’s whole note read: “Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a Belieber.”


Not sure what the hullaballoo is over this. It’s not like he scrawled “Wish you were a Belieber!” in this chick’s diary. He wrote it in the guestbook at a museum. Big whoop. The Anne Frank museum should be happy to have Justin Beiber’s autograph no matter what precedes it. And of course she would have been a Beleiber. How old was she when she wrote her diary? Like 13 or 14 right? A Jewish 13 year old girl is Beiber’s sweetsport. She would have been hassling the shit out of her dad to get Beiber to play her Bat Mitzvah. Her book would have been pretty damn short if Justin was around because she would have been blaring Beauty and a Beat from her little attic and blasting herself with menorah’s to Beiber’s shirtless Instagrams.

PS – I like one upping people. Oh Beiber signing a guest book in a comical manner is offensive? Here, let me tell you about Anne Frank masturbating.

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