Wake Up With Rikk Wilde Awkwardly Presenting Madison Bumgarner With The World Series MVP Award

I think about Rikk Wilde more than I care to admit. We just finished up watching Madison Bumgarner absolutely manhandle the Royals and propel the Giants to another World Series title. The guy pitched his ass off. He went 2-o with a 0.43 ERA, 21 innings pitched, 1 shutout and 1 save, that save came in Game 7. He had America mesmerized by what he was doing, but Rikk Wilde stole the show after Game 7.
My man came up stage with Erin Andrews and Bud Selig on behalf of Chevrolet and got to present Madison with the keys to a brand new truck for winning WS MVP. He couldn't have stumbled any worse through his speech. He was out of breath, sweaty, stuttering, messing up words, it was amazing. Twitter fell in love with Rikk right away. Hard not to get drawn to a guy like him. Madison could not care less that he was winning this car or that he was even on stage. Obviously the best line of the night from Rikk was "it combines class winning and leading, ya know, technology and stuff with uhh wifi powered by wifi". He had such a way with words. Wonder where Rikk is now?

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