The Nap Community Is Cranky And Maybe Stupid?

I tweeted that Saturday afternoon, angered at my inability to take a mid-afternoon nap. Obviously, I was being 100% serious and think that there’s a direct correlation between your ability to nap and your IQ. As someone with an active mind who can never nap, I have jealous anger towards you drooling idiots who have the ability to turn your brain off on-command.

Well, some people got very upset over this tweet. It made a sub-Reddit called r/iamverysmart with over a million subscribers. The description for the page is:

As the time of me writing this, it’s the #2 post on the subreddit.

First of all, kind of mad they crossed out my username. I’m getting close to 100K Twitter followers and could have used the free promotion here. But I digress. Here are some of my favorite replies in the thread from cranky nappers who got very triggered.

“odds are youre probably smarter than the guy that tweeted this”

Statistically speaking, this is very unlikely for a few reasons.

1. I actually have a very high IQ and scored a 2130 on my SAT. Pretty amazing.

2. They can nap. I can’t.

3. They have a stunning lack of ability to detect sarcasm

These guys might be on to something.

That’s because I don’t have insomnia nor anxiety. I have intelligence.

Hey Robbybee, how about you stfu (shut the fuck up)

Sorry bud, but your dad is an idiot.

Some would say that this nap community taking my tweet seriously would prove that they are in fact stupid.

h/t @leog87 on Twitter who DMed me this from the Barstool Reddit

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