FUCK YES - We Got A Dog Singing Van Halen

It goes without saying, especially this week, that dogs are fucking awesome. Scottie Puppen has legitimately changed my life in the span of about 6 months. Complete 180. Didn’t know it was possible to love a dog that much blah blah blah. And guess what? My dog doesn’t know the lyrics to SHIT. He can’t sing along to David Lee Roth much less carry a basic rhythm to come in/out on the bridge appropriately. Part of me is mad but the other part understands how difficult it is for a dog to sing late 80’s/early 90’s classics.

That’s why I’m obsessed with this pooch. Single lane country highway, windows down, fresh Camry lease on the books so you feel like a brand new man even though you’re still the same mildly disappointing middle son you’ve always been. And none of it matters because when you’re driving a car with your dog in it like this, you’re the goddamn king of the world. Doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re going. Put a dog in the front seat and you’re a completely different person. Mix in Van Halen karaoke and I might crash my own car just thinking about it. Love it. Get him all the beefs. Or beeves idk.

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