The Redskins Reportedly Turned Down A First Rounder From The Patriots For Trent Williams

PFT - Washington still hasn’t seen Trent Williams, and the team continues to show signs of not being willing to show him the door.

According to J.P. Finlay of, the team recently turned down what would appear to be a solid offer for the wantaway left tackle.

Echoing a report from Kevin Sheehan of 980 The Team, Finlay reports Washington was offered New England’s 2020 first-rounder in exchange for Williams, and turned it down.

If the reports are accurate (and not planted by someone for the sake of public relations), it would represent the Patriots being willing to invest in a top-level left tackle, after letting Nate Solder and Trent Brown walk in free agency the last two years.


And round and around and around we go! We knew the Pats were interested in Trent, and we knew the Skins did not want to trade him unless a huge deal came across their plate. Well, as it turns out, a 1st rounder from the Pats for the Pro Bowl LT was not a big enough deal.

Is this a ploy to increase his trade value? Probably so. Having this leaked out there only helps his tradability. Now every team in the league knows a 1st rounder isn’t enough for Trent, but more importantly, they know the Patriots are looking to get even better. If you’re a perennial Super Bowl team and see this offer is out there, you gotta be shaking in your boots. GMs have to be calling other GMs asking for favors, trying to figure out how to make sure Trent doesn’t wind up in New England.

Are the Skins willing to continue to play hard ball with Trent? Probably. And it makes sense. Getting a first rounder doesn’t help them right now, but if they sit and wait, better offers can come down the pipe. They are in no rush to move him, but I still think they will. It’s actually pretty interesting, as both sides are as locked in and stubborn as it gets, and they are willing to spite each other for as long as they can.

As I’m typing this blog, Ian Rapopport said the opposite of the report

Oh Ian. Ian, Ian, Ian. Just a pawn in the game. Trent Williams’ agent tell you to tweet that? C’mon. It’s just a game of chess. The person I trust more than anyone with Skins news is JP Finlay, who is dialed in and trusted more than probably anyone in DC media.

If he says it’s true, that’s the bottom line. Not sure JP has ever been wrong about the Skins. And he isn’t out there clout chasing or anything like that, just a good dude who gets scoops because people like him and he works hard.

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