Energy Star's Suggested Temperature Settings Serve As The Guarantee That The Earth Is Fucking Doomed

I dont say this lightly…







Are you insane? 82 degrees to sleep? With covers? In an actual bed? This is the temp setting you look for when youre homeless and going to be living outside for the next couple of years with a dog named susan, who is a boy dog, that you found eating a soiled diaper. It’s not Susan’s fault but still… Gross. If you can afford a house, you do not keep your house at that temperature. That’s just a fact.

Imagine walking into your friend’s house and it’s a balmy 85 degrees because he had to run to the store in order to get a fresh cheese plate so that you all could enjoy a nice little snack while watching the big game. You get back, walk in, the cheese melts and you have to venmo your friend 35 dollars to turn the air down so that you arent dripping ball sweat all over his goodwill couch. Poor fuck.

These settings are just absolutely ridiculous. Imagine turning the air HOTTER to sleep. CouldNT be me and it just once again proves that scientists are fucking stupid.

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