Fan Storms The Pitch, Steals The Ball, Beats The Defender, Shoots AAANNNNDDDDD He's Dead

I figure if I’m going to blog not 1, not 2 but now 3 soccer blogs this week I might as well get in the spirit of it and use ‘pitch.’ Sounds more like a professional part-time soccer blogger. Either way, I love everything about this video. This happened over the pond during the Carabao Cup between Leeds and Salford, because of course it did.

I gotta give this guy credit. Decent dribbling skills. Granted, it was a pretty weak effort by the defender who apparently wanted nothing to do with him. Still you have to commit if you’re the defender here. You either need to make that tackle, literally, or just get completely out of the way. Because now this drunk (I’m assuming drunk) lad can brag about how he schooled your ass.

But then it happens. He got cocky. He saw the open net. He raises his hand. He can see the glory. All he has to do is tap it in. Just a little taparoo. Eyes are big as he turns his body and then it happens – SWING AND A MISS

He actually makes a decent recovery. He does a little barrel roll and gets up a lot quicker than I imagined. But then I lose it with the end. The other dude coming out and poking the ball away from him causing yet another fall. Just so perfect, so nonchalant.

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