Mike Tyson Says He Smokes $40k Worth Of Weed Every Month

Sports Illustrated- Mike Tyson is taking full advantage of legalized marijuana. Full advantage. Not only is Tyson growing his own marijuana on a massive ranch in the Mojave Desert, he’s also smoking a great deal of it.

On a recent episode of his “Hotboxin’ with Mike Tyson” podcast, the former heavyweight champ said he and his buddies smoke about $40,000 worth of weed every month at Tyson Ranch.

Mike Tyson went on the Joe Rogan Experience a few months back and told Joe alllll about his plans to get into the marijuana industry. He told Rogan about his ranch, his product, how much he enjoys smoking nowadays…but what he didn’t tell him was that he was smoking $40 grand worth of pot per month! Ladies and gentlemen – that’s a lot of friggin weed! Like…an inexplicably large amount. I don’t even understand it, truly.

For comparison, Wiz Khalifa has gone on record saying HE spends about $10,000 per month on weed…which is just a quick week for Tyson! To be fair, I guess it’s Tyson AND his co-host on his new podcast, “Hotboxin’ with Mike Tyson”, but still, dawg, DAMN!

This pretty much means that whenever we’re not seeing Mike Tyson, and thinking, “I wonder what Mike Tyson is up to!”, he’s getting stoned, or IS stoned…and when we ARE seeing Mike Tyson…he’s also probably stoned. Mike Tyson is just constantly high as fuck now. MHOC city. Hell, good for him. Nobody’s living the life they deserve to live quite like Mike Tyson right now and I’m here for it.

Oh, and no Mike Tyson blog is complete without an old school knockout compilation, so here ya go…

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