Be The Talk Of Your Super Bowl Party With This One Of A Kind Deflategate Hat Sold By Some Crazy Dude On eBay





Honestly, I posted this blog for one reason and one reason only. The Deflategate hat model. Can someone say NAILED IT? Because this guy absolutely nailed it.




That right there is exactly the type of guy to show up to a Super Bowl party with a deflated football on his head. Zany Bob from down the street, always in his garage hatching up some crazy get rich quick scheme. Probably sunk half his retirement money into buying these hats. Told his wife don’t worry, it was on SNL, everyone will be talking about Deflategate well past the Super Bowl, they’ll never go out of style. Even promised her they’ll double their money and finally finally be able to buy that condo in Florida next to her sister at Del Boca Vista. Hitching his wagon to a bunch of sad looking footballs you put on your head! Risk big win big right? All aboard the money train. Choo Choo!


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