Antonio Brown is Wondering Whether You'd Still Love Him if He Quits Football

“I love the game; I love the hustle ; young-in got doe he can leave the league but if I leave will the fans still gone love me man? #paidinfull” – Antonio Brown on Instagram

It’s almost as if … Antonio Brown is …  trying to communicate with us.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he’s asking if, should he quit football today, the public will still have affection him. So let’s try to give him an answer, shall we?

Let’s see … He Facebook Live-d Mike Tomlin telling his team to “stay cool on social media” and calling the Patriots “assholes” in the playoffs:

Went to war with Ben Roethlisberger:

Skipped out on Steelers practices, getting himself benched in Week 17. Then showed up on “The Masked Singer”:

Then he:

— Forced a trade to Oakland.

— Signed the richest deal for a receiver in history.

— Named himself “Mr. Big Chest.”

— Got frostbite on his feet by getting Cryogenic treatment in France.

— Went AWOL from the Raiders and fell off the grid, leaving them with no idea where he is.

— And is now threatening to quit over the types of helmets his union and the NFL agreed upon to increase player safety.

So I’d have to say the answer is “yes.” A resounding YES. If he quits football right now after destroying the Steelers and then completely undermining the team that traded two picks for him and is paying him $50 million and doing it all while being followed by film crews from “Hard Knocks”? I for one will love him like I’ve never loved an opposing player.

Do it, Mr. Big Chest. Do it for all of us.

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