I Am Flabbergasted I REPEAT FLABBERGASTED With The White Sox GM Right Now

I haven’t checked with WSD is going to blog this but according to our backend he’s got a nuclear waste one going soon. So hopefully when he dismounts from that one he can circle back and explain to me why in gods fucking name Rick Hahn is on stage addressing the haters. That’s step 1. You don’t address the haters basically ever, especially when you’re the goddamn general manager. The head honcho. Whatever – not my team but I will say it’s a weird play. That’s point #1.


Listen I love Rick Hahn more than any GM not named Theo. He’s spent a bunch of time with me and Red Line Radio and blah blah fucking blah. Rick’s a great dude but my god he used an “S” at the end of PARADES.


I need to get my head wrapped around this. I’m so confused about those comments and it has nothing to do with me responsibly gassing Miller Lites with the boys on my Cubs postgame show last night.

Finally – no disrespect to White Sox fans here or your plight. I just honestly think this is the type of stuff you need to nail your guy on. Ain’t no sympathy points in that fan base.

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