That Old Coot Was Definitely Reckless As Fuck Behind The Wheel And Should Not Be Driving #LockHimUp

Oh give me a break. No cop out there is pulling over a 96 year old bag of bones without reason. None. Breaking the law is breaking the law, no matter who you are. And if you’ve ever been in a car with an old person, you KNOW this geezer deserved to be ticketed. How is he going to sit there, in front of a judge, and claim that he knows he wasn’t driving fast? He doesn’t even know what day of the week it is or how to use WiFi, so there’s no way he knows what is going on behind the wheel of a car. Shit, he couldn’t even hear the judge when he spoke to him and the judge is speaking INTO A MICROPHONE. And he could barely see his own microphone 3 inches away from his eyes. And this is who we are trusting operating an automobile? This man is Mr. Magoo behind the wheel. His son is more likely to die of his father plowing into a farmer’s market than from the cancer. So spare me the “feel good” story. This man is a danger to himself, his family, and society. The cop who pulled him over is the only hero in this story. And not for nothing, it was in a school zone to boot. A school zone! The judge should have pulled the geriatric’s license, thrown away the keys, and given him the number for a cab company. And that my friends is the truth.



PS: It’s CRAZY we get our license at 16 and then it’s smooth sailing from there. No re-test, no eye exam to make sure you can still be driving, no nothing. Driving is the most un-regulated thing we have. And you’ve been on the road, EVERYONE sucks at driving. You suck at it, your friends suck at it, everyone sucks at it. We’re always 6 inches from death every time we get behind the wheel. And now everyone is constantly texting and checking Twitter, driving is one big death trap and there’s no checks and balances. You could lose your eyeballs from a rogue bird and still not lose your license. In a world where everything is regulated, the fact we let blindos drive is one of the wildest things we do.

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