Flyers Skate Out Of Washington With Win, Continue On Their Journey To 9th In The East

Flyers 3, Caps 1

So that now makes 5 wins and 11 points in their last 6 games. Something the majority of fans across the league could get excited about if it was their team, but the Flyers are still 9 points out of a wild card spot and with Steve Mason going down with yet another injury yesterday, those 9 points look more like 90. So as it’s been said in pretty much every post about the Flyers so far, they are continuing their journey in hockey purgatory on the path to 9th place in the Eastern Conference. Whatever, any win over Ovechkin is good with me.

Steve Mason Goes Down, Stolie The Goalie Gets The Call Up

If any of you are a doctor, can you please tell me what the hell just happened there because I still have no idea. Every time Ma$e gets himself going in a groove, he goes down with an injury. It’s like the hockey gods are begging the Flyers to just give up and tank already, but they just won’t listen. Ray Emery had the pleasure of immediately going in cold on a Caps 5-on-3 powerplay and killed it. The only goal he let up was a laser from Ovi that maybe 3 goalies in the entire league could have stopped. So moving forward, Emery will be the starter. Zeppatitus C got injured playing for Lehigh Valley which leaves Anthony Stolarz as the only back-up option for the Flyers. Stolie The Goalie is 21 and has a ton of potential. Obviously he’s not ready to start any games in the NHL just yet, but if he’s just there as a back-up I don’t see any issues there. Let the kid get his feet wet a little and just hope Emery doesn’t fight anybody and have to come off the ice. Please just shut down Mason for the rest of the season so we don’t have to deal with this shit anymore next year.

Scott Laughton Is A Hockey Player

This is what hockey is all about. This is what separates hockey from all the other sports. After missing 7 games with a concussion received from a Matt Niskanen hit the last time the Flyers played the Caps, Scott Laughton dropped the mitts with Niskanen for a little pride tussle. As you can see, Nisky got the best of Laughton again in the fight but I fucking love the balls on Laughton to stick up for himself like that. Here’s what he had to say about the fight after the game.

Guy misses 7 games with a head injury, plays in just his 2nd game back, decides to fight the guy who gave him said head injury, thanks the guy who he just fought for fighting, and everything is water under the bridge. Love it. Love it more than anything.

Weezy F Simmonds

Zing. The last few games haven’t necessarily been career games for Giroux and Voracek, but luckily the Wayne Train has been there to pick up the slack. Also, Tom Wilson better hold on to his pretty little face the next time he crosses paths with Simmer because Wayne is going to tear it off.

The Other Guys

– Voracek’s empty-netter keeps him in a 3-way tie with Seguin and Patty Kane for 1st place in the league in points.

– Flyers PK unit went 5-for-6 yesterday against an obviously dangerous Caps powerplay.

– I know I give Tom Wilson a lot of shit and most of it is deserving, but credit where credit is due, it was pretty impressive when he freight trained Bellemare. (Still working on finding that GIF).

– Music and Tastykakes.

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