Chicago To The Rescue, Bears Equipment Manager To Be In Charge Of All Super Bowl Game Balls


(Source) As per its custom, the NFL will follow a modified set of procedures to prepare game balls for Super Bowl XLIX. Established long before allegations of underinflated balls in the AFC Championship Game, the process includes independent equipment managers and ball attendants.

Still, the league “expects that the Competition Committee will review all of these procedures in the offseason,” according to NFL spokesman Michael Signora.

The league found earlier this week that 11 of the New England Patriots‘ 12 game balls were significantly underinflated during the AFC Championship Game, ESPN’s Chris Mortensen has reported. In that game, the Patriots‘ equipment staff supplied balls to referee Walt Anderson at the required two hours, 15 minutes before the game for inspection. As per NFL policy, Anderson marked each ball with his approval and ultimately returned them to the Patriots’ ball boys. In the Super Bowl, however, the NFL will use Chicago Bears equipment manager Tony Medlin to organize the process. Ball boys were hired prior to last week’s games..



Deflategate is stupid. I’ve said as much from the beginning. Fine the Patriots what ever is appropriate and move on, no one actually thinks this is a big deal, no one with a brain that is. But with all that said, you have to sleep a little easier tonight knowing the Bears are in charge of the Super Bowl gameballs. That the game will be played fairly and honestly and up to the standard of the Chicago Bears, the highest of standards. You’re welcome America, signed Chicago.



Oh and just a word of advice, don’t expect a lot of passing with those balls though, historically that’s not really something we do.





I said in the preseason that the Bears were a Super Bowl darkhorse, didn’t say how they would get there. Well, looks like Big Cat is a little bit of a prophet. Super Bowl gameball manager. Boom, count it!


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