Kid Dislocates Both His Shoulders And Possibly His Neck Trying To Dunk Himself Through A Basketball Hoop

I saw this video a few days ago and haven't been able to get it out of my head since. Maybe it's because I've torn my shoulder before, so I know the pain he's going to be in for the rest of his life next year. That and because I feel like everyone has experienced a situation exactly like this at some point during their upbringing. You're hanging out late night with your buddies, trying to stay quiet, and then one of your friends does something stupid and you all die laughing. The parents wake up and start screaming at you so you try and keep a straight face, but you can't because you on mars from all the res-filled grav rips you just took in the garage. We've all been there, right? Just me?…okay.

Anyway, at least these dudes were good enough to help their buddy get out right away. Which is a good thing considering he would've drown if the hoop tipped over. My buddies would've pantsed me and shot me with a paintball gun like Jimmy on the rock before freeing me.

Out of love, of course. We won't know what the aftermath of this debacle looked like, but I guarantee it'll be something they talk about from now on whenever they get together. That or they were so drunk they don't even remember it happening. Whatever the case, hopefully this kids arms are okay.


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