Pete Alonso Just Caused Every Mets Fan To Run Through The Nearest Brick Wall With One LFGM Tweet

Every Mets fan right now:

“Ya Gotta Believe”

“If they have a problem with me throwing inside, they can meet me 60 feet, six inches away.”

“Lets Fucking Go Mets”

RIP In Peace Lets Go Mets, welcome to the world Lets Fucking Go Mets! If Major League Baseball had a lick of sense, they would take the orange NY emoji from #LGM and put it on #LFGM instead, because Lets Fucking Go Mets is the official rallying cry for the Metropolitans for now on. Pete Alonso has officially secured his Mets legacy by changing the franchise’s slogan while also roping even Cuncelled Mets fans like myself for another hit of their favorite drug for a potential playoff push.

Okay, Pete has probably already secured his legacy here no matter what this franchise does to him by running train on every single Mets rookie offensive record he wants to attain. But that tweet just became the official rallying cry for a late season run while also being a mile marker for the times we lived in. Tug McGraw said his quote in a locker room without any cameras around, Noah made his threat to the Royals in the middle of a press conference, and Pete Alonso made us believe again by taking a screenshot of the Notes app in a tweet. What a glorious time to be alive.

I also would like to think this is Pete’s way of begging the front office not to go for it and not sell off his teammates to the highest bidder so the Wilpons can dump more salary while trying to disguise it as competing while rebuilding. But I also must acknowledge this tweet could be the creation of that shady son of a bitch Jeff Wilpon to get fans out to Citi Field the rest of the season since they are pretty much giving their tickets away for free at this point.

Regardless of the reason, I couldn’t love that tweet or Pete Alonso more if I tried and still thank the glitch in the Matrix that allowed him to become a Met. I would say us Mets fans don’t deserve him, but it’s the Wilpons that don’t deserve us. Hopefully one day they will wake up or hit the lottery and become a build a real franchise around this fucking STUD.

This morning I woke up with terror in my eyes waiting to see what Brodie Van Wagenen was going to do to the short-term and long-term health of my favorite baseball team. Then Pete Alonso wiped that fear from my eyes and turned my frown upside down with one tweet. If that doesn’t get you a C on your jersey, I don’t know what will.

P.S. “The boys are hot” would have stole the show of that tweet if it wasn’t for the LFGM closer that is nails like 2018 Edwin Diaz (It’s so sad I couldn’t use a current or former Met for that analogy).

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