This Topless NYC Panhandler Must Be Broke As Fuck (NSFW)


Look babe I’m all for the whole “honest panhandling” thing. That dude who invented the “Why lie? I need a beer” tactic was a genius. But something tells me this isn’t going to apply to you. People pay money in order to get chicks to take their clothes off, not the other way around.

Anyway this is just another model parading around NYC doing a naked photoshoot. This seems to be a trend in this great city of mine. And I’ll be perfectly honest, it helps ease the pain of paying thousands of dollars a month to live in a hot, crowded city filled with homeless people and shit. I can be like “Yea but these chicks keep getting naked to prove some sort of point!”


I am embarrassingly turned on by a naked chick in Gray’s Papaya.

Click here for link to uncensored pics

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