Florida Teen Caught Posing As A Gynecologist For The Past Month



WEST PALM BEACH, FL. (WTNH)– West Palm Beach police busted a teen who had been posing as an OB/GYN doctor at a hospital for about a month. The South Florida Sun-Sentinel reports that police were called to St. Mary’s Medical Center last Tuesday, after a patient alerted the OB/GYN office staff that a young man who “appeared to be a child” was dressed as a doctor inside an exam room.

The teen, who was not identified, was then caught by police while in an examination room with a patient, wearing a lab coat with the hospital’s logo, a stethoscope around his neck and mask on his face. The teen reportedly told police that he had been a doctor for years and that his family could vouch for him. According to the police report, a hospital security guard said that he had seen the boy around the hospital for about a month. Another security guard told police that she saw him enter secure areas in the past week. Security footage also showed the teen entering the hospital through the lobby.

The teen’s mother told police that he has been under the care of a doctor for an undisclosed illness and has not been taking his medication. The hospital has agreed to not press charges saying in a statement: “The individual never had contact with any hospital patients and did not gain access to any patient care areas of the hospital at any time. The hospital immediately notified local authorities, who took the individual into custody, and we are cooperating with their ongoing investigation.” The incident is under investigation.



How the hell does this even happen? You can’t even be upset at this kid (who may or may not have some other issues). To make it a full month pretending to be a pussy doctor is nothing short of a miracle. Did he give actual advice? Did he diagnosis any vaginas? How far did this entire operation go? And not for nothing but this kid is now like the wisest teenager of all time. I thought I was awesome when I saw my first playboy at age 12. Nope, this kid is doing detailed examinations on vaginas and he’s barely hit puberty. He’s going to be the most jaded kid of all time once he gets to college. Been there, done that, seen it all and then some.




Just so we’re clear, in my brain every person who walks into an OBGYN is a 21 year old college coed with a perfect Brazilian wax. Just want to make sure we’re all using the same visuals here.

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