The Dynasty Goes On: Paul "Under The Thumb" Browse Has Won His 4th Straight World Thumb Wrestling Championship

There are about 7.5 billion people in the world. Now I realize that some people out there were either born without a hand or maybe they’ve lost a thumb somewhere along the way. But just for the sake of argument, let’s say that there are around 10 billion thumbs in the world. 10 billion thumbs, and Paul “Under The Thumb” Browse has just won his 4th straight World Thumb Wrestling Championship.

I don’t know if people realize how incredible this is. I mean you look at the Golden State Warriors who are probably the most popular dynasty at the moment. They’re a team that won 3 NBA Championships in 4 years, and have made 5 straight trips to the Finals. But they’re only competing against 29 other NBA teams. Paul “Under The Thumb” Browse has 9,999,999,999 other thumbs out there in the world that could take him down, but he’s still won the World Championship 4 years in a row. He’s quite possibly the greatest athlete of all time when you think about the amount of competition he’s up against and how dominant he continues to be.

P.S. – My favorite part of this entire thing isn’t the ring, it’s not the crowd that gathers for these thumb wrestling events, but the fact that this is the World Championship and these dudes are still out here saying “one, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war”. You’d think that when you get to this level they’d end up with a more official type of procedure but nope, these dudes stay true to the root of the game. Really appreciate that.


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