Does This Look Like A Movie That Will Win Will Smith An Oscar?

I’m so confused by this movie. Ang Lee is directing this movie and he mostly makes fantastic movies. But…

Don’t get me wrong, the technology and visual effects used for this movie are pretty great. The younger, CGI Will Smith looks pretty fucking good. But the performance? It seems so clunky. Let’s not forget this moment from the first trailer… (ignore the Professor X moment)

I don’t see it, and I like Will Smith, but his recent roles have left a lot to be desired.

The action in the trailer is pretty great, though, and that has me feeling a little more positive about the movie. Ang Lee, as I mentioned before, is a great director with few missteps. One of those was that weird ‘Hulk’ movie where he didn’t totally grasp how to convert a comic to the big screen, but I always expect the risks he takes.

What do you think of the trailer? Is this Oscar-worthy from Will Smith?

Make sure to check out today’s Lights Camera Barstool where we rank our favorite Disney songs and discuss Tom Hanks playing the founder of Mr. Skin.

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