Porn Star Says She Found God Through The XXXChurch

Daily Mail - She was known as the world’s hottest porn star, with over 275 starring roles behind her – but now Jenna Presley has turned her back on the adult industry that left her suicidal and embraced God thanks to a campaigning church. After seven years of filming sex scenes up to three times a day, Presley’s life fell off the rails as she descended into a drink and drugs fueled depression – before she met members of the anti-porn XXXChurch at a convention. Known for picketing porn sets and conventions to hand out Bible’s titled, ‘Jesus Loves Porn Stars’, the XXXChurch managed to convince Presley, whose real name is Brittni Ruiz, 26, that she should choose God over a career in the sex industry.  Speaking in a YouTube video released over the weekend to mark her re-birth as a Christian, Ruiz emphatically declares, ‘Thank you, Jesus! I found him, I’m home.’ ‘It’s been a long seven-year journey of porn, prostitution, stripping, drugs, alcohol and several failed suicide attempts.’ XXXChurch was founded by Craig Gross in January 2002 and is designed to help Christian’s who struggle with pornography. Collins says that the organization’s goal is to bring ‘these amazing women the knowledge that somebody cares and loves them.’ They attend porn conventions handing out Bible’s entitled ‘Jesus Loves Porn Stars’, hoping to recruit new members.

Hey XXXChurch, why don’t you do me a favor and back the fuck up? You overachieving evangelical cockblocking dickheads. How many Catholics are there in the world? 1.21 billion. How many porn stars are there? According to Wiki Answers, about 15,000 or so. Do you greedy assholes really need another Catholic? 1,210,000,001? Thats really gonna fix the world? Make your religion that much stronger? For sure not. Go recruit some new church members from other professions. Convert bouncers or club promoters or some other fucking assholes. Leave the girls who make me come out of it. There’s only 15,000 of these chicks worldwide. Scarce resource.

As for Jenna Presley – you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube, babe. Doesn’t matter how many days a week you go to church. Don’t care how often you say confession. Once a stripper/whore/drug addict, always a stripper/whore/drug addict. Might as well continue to get paid for it instead of this whole church shtick.

PS – Youtube commenter g0ing2fast summed it up perfectly – “Only took about 2000 different mens dicks for her to come around and find jesus. What an inspiring story”

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