Awesome Video Of Billy Joel Bringing A Blind Fan On Stage To Perform At MSG


Source - Billy Joel invited a blind piano virtuoso to perform with him after a sound check at Madison Square Garden.

Page Six is told that 14-year-old Logan Riman, of Brooklyn, was due to meet the Piano Man before his show at the Garden, but when Joel heard about Riman’s talents, he invited Riman to play his piano on the famous stage.

And when the teen started to tickle the ivories, Joel was so impressed that he joined him, with the pair riffing on “Piano Man” together on the same keyboard. The meet and greet was set up by the arena’s nonprofit Garden of Dreams Foundation.


Before you shit on the fact that this was during the sound check on not and actual concert, know that you're a terrible person. Because sound check or not, for a fan, this is the coolest thing ever. Especially a fan like Logan Riman whose entire life is piano.

From Newsday: 

For Logan Riman, meeting Billy Joel was a dream come true. Playing “Piano Man” on the Madison Square Garden stage with The Piano Man was something the 14-year-old from Brooklyn and his family couldn’t have even imagined. Logan, who was born blind, performed at the Garden of Dreams Foundation talent show at Radio City Music Hall in April as Logan Piano Man. And the foundation, which helps children in the tristate area overcome obstacles, was impressed — so much, in fact, that they wanted him to meet Joel. “It was amazing,” said Leah Riman, Logan’s mom. “Ever since I realized that my son had a gift for music, I've always imagined him on a stage. I didn't know when. I didn't know if. I didn't know how. I didn't know where. … To get to witness him play with Billy Joel at MSG on that level? I don't even have words for what I felt inside. That was literally my dream realized for my son.” Riman said Logan, who doesn’t speak much, was inspired by the moment and by Joel’s concert earlier this month and is now tackling the epic “Scenes from an Italian Restaurant.” She said the experience has also helped his confidence.

It's incredible how much one act of kindness can affect someone's life. Billy didn't have to come out and do that, but he did. He could've easily said hello, walked back on stage and went on with his sound check, but he didn't. Instead he gave that kid a memory he'll never forget. This isn't the first time he's done something like this either. In 2013, he invited a Vanderbilt student on stage to play New York State of Mind which to this day is one of my favorite viral videos ever. So cheers to Logan and good on Billy Joel. What a great way to start a Wednesday.

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