Anthony Rizzo Says The Cubs Are Going To Win The NL Central This Year



Now before everyone jumps down Rizzo’s throat, let me just ask you this, what is he supposed to say? That the Cubs stink and are perennial losers? Because I for one love this confidence. I know that realistically speaking the Cubs will not be in the playoffs this season. I’m not a delusional fanboy (not all the time at least). And I’m sure stat heads will call Rizzo ridiculous and say confidence isn’t a quantifiable statistic. But this is all about changing the culture. About raising the expectations. I don’t want to hear players say things like “we’ll be exciting to watch” or “we have a lot of good young guys”, I want this, exactly this. We’re going to win the Division in 2015. Only way this stuff turns around is for guys like Rizzo to get out in front of a microphone and start exuding some confidence. You don’t even have to have played a sport to know that confidence is so incredibly important. And that’s why I love this. Believe it, then achieve it. I think RGIII once said that.

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