A Cowboys Fan In Jail Is Suing The NFL For $88 Billion For That Reversed Call

DallasA man incarcerated in a Colorado correctional facility filed a lawsuit against NFL officials seeking over $88 billion in damages because of an overturned call. Terry Hendrix, evidently a passionate Dallas Cowboys fan, is seeking $88,987,654,321.88 from the NFL in the wake of the controversial replay reversal in the Cowboys’ NFC divisional round loss to the Green Bay Packers. He names NFL Vice President of Officiating Dean Blandino, referee Gene Steratore and Commissioner Roger Goodell by name.

In the handwritten lawsuit filed Wednesday, Hendrix asks for the astronomical sum of money “for but not limited to: negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, and also reckless disregard.”

I hate Cowboys fans just as much as the next guy. They don’t contribute anything to society and they shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce. But I’d be lying if I said a small part of me isn’t pulling for Terry Hendrix here. I’m ready to put all my Cowboys hatred aside here for a moment and be a part of Terry Hendrix’s defense team.

Now I don’t know too much about lawyering. I haven’t made my way to Law School yet. But it doesn’t take a genius to read Terry’s lawsuit and see that he has a pretty solid case in front of him. First off, the man has some impressive hand-writing and there doesn’t seem to be a single spelling error in there. The man spelled “sovereign” right without the help of spell-check. So blindly throwing this case out the window because he’s a crazed lunatic is no longer an option for the court. According to common law, the judge has to hear him out on this one. And then he goes on to mention how this call affected the cheerleaders, fans, and all people from Texas. What a slick lawyer move. It’s virtually impossible to prove that not a single one of those people weren’t seriously injured as a direct result of that reversed call. I can guarantee you that someone in Texas died that day, and that’s exactly what Terry Hendrix needs to make his $88 billion pay day. If any criminal Cowboys fan deserves $88 billion, it’s Terry Hendrix. And if any organization in the world deserves to lose $88 billion, it’s the NFL.

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