It's Awesome Seeing Isaiah Thomas Healthy And Back To Getting Buckets

Now this is what I’m talking about. Last week I wrote about how one of the best ways to scratch your basketball itch during this dead period is with the footage that comes from NBA open runs. Well yesterday we got this video above of Isaiah and a few others doing their thing at Rico Hines and I can’t lie, it made me happy as hell to see Isaiah look 100% healthy and back to his elite level bucket getting. You can save your “oh cool let’s see him do it against real competition” bullshit. That type of negativity will not be welcomed in this blog. You see that running one legged three to open the video? Sign me the fuck up for that.

Honestly, you don’t even have to be a Celtics fan, any basketball fan on the planet should be rooting for Isaiah’s comeback. The man had a messed up hip, knew it was only going to get worse if he played, and while going through personal hell during that playoff run put his body on the line for his team and ultimately it cost him tens of millions of dollars. Considering guys now sit out for a minimum of two weeks if they get a booboo, I’ll always have nothing but respect for what Isaiah did in 2016. Now he’s healthy, on a Wizards team that really only has Bradley Beal so Isaiah should get his shots/usage to really show us how back he truly is. I can’t wait to see it and everyone knows having a fire offseason pick up game highlight video is the first step.


Ummmmm Thomas Bryant can shoot threes now? Yeah that 3/25M deal he got this summer might be a gigantic steal.


I see you Jordan” “NBA player of the week for Dec 2-9th, 2013″  Crawford. I see you.

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