Danny Ainge Is Going To Trade His Dog If It Doesn't Improve Its On Ball Defense

Well if that isn’t the cutest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. No big deal just Trader Danny proving once again why he’s the coolest GM in the game. Is the GM of your favorite team busting out some ball handling moves like he’s once starred in the classic Nike basketball dribbling commercial (the GOAT basketball commercial imo) while in their driveway?

I didn’t think so. It’s also great to see him being active after his heart attack and all that stuff but I feel like it’s my responsibility to address the elephant in the room. We know Trader Danny is a ruthless sonofabitch when it comes to his roster, and you know that unless that adorable pooch drastically improves his on ball defense, there’s no way Ainge commits to him long term which means his ass might be on the trading block. I mean watch Marcus Smart for me one time. You’ve heard the famous saying from Michael Jordan, “you reach I teach” and that four legged friend has terrible positioning. He’s not watching the belly button he’s watching the ball and he’s reaching left and right like he’s Kyrie during the Milwaukee series.

I will say my heart absolutely melted once he actually did get the ball and he brought it right back to Ainge. Dogs man, terrible at on ball defense sure, but absolutely crush everything else.

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