Is The Cubs VP Of Communications Threatening Barstool Chicago?

From: Cubs Vice President, Communications and Community Affairs Julian Green

To: Barstool Sports

*****, So now Barstool Sports (Eddie and Carl) are going to go on a crusade for a guy who goes by #ligmyballsack and make him a martyr under the guise of an Emergency New Brief?   Eddie says they don’t care about the snakes but Barstool is selling $20 t-shirts that say Come and Take it?  If this is the posture Barstool is going to take with our business and ex-employees then we will have no interest in not only future opportunities with fans, players, etc., but flag our vote of no confidence with the other clubs and Major League Baseball.  I have received numerous messages from colleagues from around the league, including recently from the Cardinals who called this B.S.  This is not going to go over well with other teams. And if Eddie/Carl want to continue to promote antagonistic behavior which puts our staff and ballpark at risk then we will move immediately to a legal posture. As I shared, this only became an issue when your guys started down a road to harass our staff.  Since they now want to go to WAR (their words), are they prepared to accept liability if/when an incident happens with our fans that leads to a severe injury?  I’m available later this evening. 


That’s it. We’re gone.

We’ve taken a rocket ship off of Earth and are on Mars because the Chicago Cubs are mad that people are stacking cups on top of one another.

Stacking cups! Something that not a single person affiliated with Barstool Chicago has done, but because we’ve retweeted the videos that people sent to us we’re “promoting antagonistic behavior which puts our staff and ballpark at risk”.

I mean the whole email is extremely bizarre.

“We will have no interest in not only future opportunities with fans, players, etc.,”

You currently do NOTHING with Barstool at the moment, Julian. Please, no don’t take away the access that we already don’t have. The access that you honeydicked Carl on when you guys met in March…or am I not supposed to say that that meeting took place?

Sorry, let’s get back to more of this email. The part where the threats start roll in:

“But flag our vote of no confidence with the other clubs and Major League Baseball.  I have received numerous messages from colleagues from around the league, including recently from the Cardinals who called this B.S.  This is not going to go over well with other teams. And if Eddie/Carl want to continue to promote antagonistic behavior which puts our staff and ballpark at risk then we will move immediately to a legal posture.”

Remember though – Julian Green would never threaten anyone!

I mean I can go on and on, but it’s just embarrassing that the business/branding side of the Cubs is this lost. What a slap in the face to Theo and all the baseball guys who bust their asses to put on the best product of Chicago Cubs baseball that this city has ever seen. And don’t even start with Ricketts. You couldn’t ask for a cooler owner in sports. End of the day, it’s whoever is calling the shots on the business side that has continued to nuzzle Wrigley Field into a family fun zone.

I said it on Chicago Dog Walk & I said it on Red Line – You’re the people that made this a thing when you had the security guys zooming past people and taking it out of their hands.

We’ve also said repeatedly that if security or an usher asks you to give them the snake that there’s no reason not to do so as they’re just doing their job. Whereas if everybody was like the guy last night I think the whole thing would have turned out different.

Don’t tell that to Julian Green though! It’s all Barstool’s fault that people are building cup snakes and getting drunk in the bleachers.

Here’s probably the worst part about all of this – If they would’ve just reached out and asked us in a halfway decent manner to cool it on everything we would have been all ears, but that didn’t happen. What happened was a weirdly threatening email to two guys who absolutely love the Cubs. Not sure what they’re trying accomplish with this, but if the goal was to alienate diehard fans who’ve spent money throughout the good years and the bad then mission accomplished. You guys hit a home run on this one.

P.S. – No, not the Cardinals! Please anybody besides the Cardinals who think that it’s B.S.!

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