#largetoo Part 2

Good morning.

Just an update on the happenings from last week when @queersporting decided to inexplicably tweet out that I had drugged and raped a girl sometime before 2008.

– For the sake of this blog, I am going to treat my attacker(s) as if he/she/they were one man behind a keyboard even though he/she/they may identify as something totally different.  Plus, I respect women too much to think one of them would perpetrate such an act upon me, and I would soon tire of writing he/she/they 100 times in the next 1,500 words. –

Soon after the original tweet hit, I talked with Barstool’s counsel (not Cousin Mike) and he told me with confidence that what this asshole wrote about me was no doubt slander BUT any idea of suing for damages was probably a long-shot, only because I did not get fired as a result of the lie he told, nor did I lose any other type of potential earnings.

Truth be told, I received a groundswell of support from Stoolie-Nation which resulted in an actually increased following on social media, giving me a slightly bigger platform to peddle my smut.

But even without suing, I had our attorney begin the process of demanding a retraction and apology from this dickhead because a lie is a lie, and although you can legally be an obvious dimwitted douchebag, you can’t say that a 47-year-old happily married father of 3 is someone that drugged and raped a girl at one time.

You see, unlike the slanderous loser who wrote the original comment, I have family and friends who care about me and my reputation, so having such a severely damning (and TOTALLY untrue) statement out there in the virtual ether was something I just couldn’t have.

Scratch that… It was something that I could’ve had if it was limited to just @queersporting and his 300 measly followers. However, once Keith cautiously commented on that original thread asking for clarity on his allegations, the scope of @queer’s comments increased exponentially.

This week, as our attorney was writing up a retraction demand, I received this on my DM’s…

You’ll notice this jerkoff changed his handle from queer to @pinksporting in an attempt to cover his tracks and the pathetic apology he put forth is one that is based on this waste-of-life “misremembering” something from 11 years ago.

Think about that.

Instead of just pleading for forgiveness after doing a Google search on my name and then jumping to a WILD conclusion from the first article written about me over a decade ago, this asshole claims that he “misremembered” the article from some point in the past.

What does that even mean?

He read it back in 2008 and just assumed since then that I was a rapist?  Then, when I popped up back on his radar this past year after I joined Barstool, he decided to make sure all of his gay soccer followers were aware of everything he believed to be true about me back in 2008?

Or did he recently read the article but didn’t have the mental bandwidth to process its contents, and then labeled that deficiency as a “misremembering”?

Either way, this guy is a garden variety dope.

And the whole “I’m not a fan of yours” sentiment was also unnecessary.

You’re not a fan of mine?… Well, nobody is a fan of people that cry, Rape!, but I don’t mention that right away because I feel that’s something that is probably implied.

Next time you’re tempted to include a hypocritical caveat in an apology, you should think twice, pinkqueer.  Maybe instead write down “I am not a fan of yours” on whatever slip of paper is closest to you in your parents’ basement and then fold up said slip of paper and shove it right up your lying asshole because that comment should be for you only, chief.

And that same unnecessary addendum of “not liking me” traveled from his personal DM to the quasi-public “apology” also…

The facts that he doesn’t approve of my rhetoric or that he found my past comments reprehensible can go fuck themselves… Yes, I just told 2 facts to go fuck themselves.

Listen up, pinkqueer- It is extremely hypocritical to try to mount ANY type of high horse when you are trying to backtrack on a fucking rape allegation.

You should be sucking my dick, not critiquing my work.

The crux of your tweet and your DM should solely be about a retraction of the fucking lie you told about me on a public forum… You fucking moron.

A retraction you made only because you heard my lawyer’s footsteps, but tried to mask under some guise of “journalistic integrity” that you exhibit nowhere else in your unreadable Twitter stream.

You’re lucky you retracted your lie and “kinda” apologized, but it doesn’t change the fact that you make TERRIBLE fucking decisions, and every tweet you send out to your pathetic audience from here on out should be read through the lens of someone who knows you made a false rape accusation against someone who was 100% innocent, and you did it under the bullshit cloak of “misremembering”.

Going forward, I sincerely urge the tens of thousands of people who will ultimately read this blog to NOT go after this fucking asshole.

To have the wrath of Stoolie Nation come down on this moron does me nor this great company any good. In fact, in this climate, it makes him a fucking victim… A bullshit and fabricated victim similar to the girl I never raped over a decade ago, but a victim nonetheless.

Just let this self-proclaimed queer soccer expert go back to his pathetic anonymity knowing that the only reason he can return to his protein-stained keyboard in some musty basement is that I am allowing him to do so.

You may ask- “Large, is what you are doing in this blog committing the same defamation you were so mad about in the first place?”

Absolutely not, you fucking moron.

(Sorry about that. I am just furious. I didn’t mean to lash out at you, the reader.)

This guy is an admitted liar who made a terrible decision. A decision where he said I drugged and raped a girl.  And he ultimately did it without consequence except furthering the ineffectiveness of the once noble #metoo movement AND lessening the plight of actual rape victims.  That ineffectiveness and lessening being a direct result of lying rectums like @pinkqueer.

(And, just to be safe, I ran it by our lawyer.)

Unlike the made-up rape, the false statement was something that ACTUALLY HAPPENED. And since I WAS THE VICTIM, I am able to express my opinions on the matter.

This is the last I will say on this subject going forward, unless, of course, this asshole reveals himself again.

And speaking of waiting on assholes to reveal themselves, my good friend Pat pens a weekly #TwerkTuesday blog that dances the line in a way that I know @pinksporting does not enjoy…

In closing, I would like to reiterate- Go fuck yourself @pinksporting.  And although you may not approve of this rhetoric, you can take a fucking report… You’re done.




By the way- Before that pathetic apology was issued, I petitioned Twitter to have pinkqueer take down his comment and Twitter turned me down soundly.

I thought asking Twitter to nip a rape allegation in the bud would be an open-and-shut case, but I soon learned having someone named pinkqueer take down a rape allegation against a guy who looks like me is not in the realm of possibility.

This avatar does not scream “VICTIM” in Twitter’s eyes, I guess, and that’s a fucking shame also.





On a lighter note, I broke down hand signals and ass-wiping on the floor of the American Stock Exchange last week, and this week I am making a sandwich on the EXTRA LARGE that’ll drop Friday… Here’s my BarstoolGOLD link…



And I wrote another #largetoo blog earlier this year that @pinksporting will no doubt despise, but I think you might enjoy…



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