Ryan Pace's Refusal To Use Collar Stays Is Slightly Concerning Right?




Not to be Mr. Hot Take guy but this needs to be mentioned. You’re the General Manager of a professional sports franchise, this isn’t your first day at CDW, get a fucking collar stay or a shirt that wasn’t $19.99 at Bloomingdales. Come on man, one time. One fucking time, we’re trying to turn this dumpster fire around. Can’t do that looking like an 18 year old summer intern.



Also if you missed his press conference here is what was said.


Drew Brees, New Orleans Saints, Sean Payton Saints, Brees, Sustainability, Drew Brees, Hurricane Katrina and the Saints as well as Sean Payton.



Oh and he was asked about Cutler about 10,000 times and his response was basically this.




Let’s do this!


Also not I’m not bashing Ryan Pace just to bash him, it’s not his fault he has to do the charade, these press conferences are so silly and such a media circle jerk. Just a bunch of “buzzwords” thrown at reporters. Dude spent an hour basically saying the same thing over and over again, only real takeaway is that Cutler is officially on the block, which he didn’t say outright but made pretty clear in his dodging of the question.

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