Drunk Ass Dude In The West Village Got Knocked The FUCK Out After Dropping N Bombs On A Black Guy Eating Lunch

Gothamist – On Friday, a man was seriously injured after being punched in the face for going on a racist tirade about “n***ers” in the West Village. Douglas Reddish, 25, was eating with his girlfriend at Benny’s Burritos on Greenwich Avenue near W. 12th Street around 5:50 p.m. when he was confronted by 31-year-old Austin Dewan. Police sources told the News that Reddish, who is black, initially tried to help the visibly drunk Dewan, who is white, to steady him from “falling onto the other tables,” but Dewan allegedly yelled, “This n***er wants to fight me.” While the Post reported that Dewan was upset about losing his job at Goldman Sachs, a rep for the firm says they have no record of his employment.  Before coming to Benny’s Burritos, Dewan spent $40 on beers at the Village Den on West 12th Street, according to a manager. According to the Post, he then crossed the street to Equinox Gym, where a TV commercial was being filmed, and tried to sit on women’s laps. After that, he ended up talking to a woman at Johnny’s Bar on Greenwich Street; she claims he told her he was upset over his wife leaving him and about his “job at Goldman Sachs.” Goldman Sachs spokesperson Andrea Raphael said that Dewan never worked for them though: “While it was reported that the man who was punched in the incident in the West Village last night was possibly an employee of Goldman Sachs, we have no record of him ever being employed at Goldman Sachs.” “This really belligerent white guy came walking up to them and started yelling out the n-word,” Benny’s worker Robert Garcia told the Post. “There was some sort of altercation and it made the black guy punch the white guy in the face. He was out cold. I thought he was dead.” Dewan hit his head on the sidewalk, and was taken to Bellevue Hospital in critical condition. He’s now been upgraded to stable condition and is being treated for head trauma. Reddish, who left the scene after the punching incident, was arrested a few blocks away and arraigned yesterday on a misdemeanor assault charge.

Pinballing your way down the street shitfaced calling people the N word is a surefire way to end up spread eagle on the sidewalk leakin from your head. Guy looks like Jesus on the cross for fucks sake. If you’re a dickhead white yuppie and you got a deathwish find a black dude eating lunch outside and screaming slurs at him is a great tactic.

My favorite part of the story is the Goldman Sachs angle. Some arrogant drunk klansmen terrorizing the streets just tossing out the Goldman Sachs name. And the fact that it was totally made up and it was just a lie spun by some douchebag makes it even better. Its one of those “if the shoe fits…” sort of situation. Like even though Goldman had absolutely nothing to do with this, the second everyone heard the headline “Goldman Sachs employee knocked out after calling black man N word” everyone nodded their head like “makes sense.” Rich white assholes – thats a Goldman Sachs man!

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