Goodbye My Sweet Prince

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I won’t try and hide it, I am sad. As if seeing Al Horford’s goodbye post didn’t already have me deep in my feelings, this Haynes bomb came out of nowhere and has gutted me. The Yabu Era is over without ever really getting started, and ultimately we can now say it was a wasted 16th pick. Yabu joins James Young as two mid first round swing and misses by Ainge while also capturing my heart and the heart of Celtics fans everywhere. Look you don’t get to choose who your heart loves. Some things are just out of your control. Ultimately these were two guys that never really had an opportunity given the roster construction during both of their tenures, and it’s just too bad. There was no better mascot for this team (sorry Lucky) than Yabu. He was perfect. So happy and go lucky, everyone seemed to love him, his dab became legendary, and that ass, I mean there will be stories written about that thing.

Once he got hurt the other day and it was announced that he would be missing the rest of Summer League, I can’t say I’m totally surprised by this decision. A little shocked they didn’t want to keep that money on the books for a potential salary filler in a trade, but Ainge & Co decided to eat the money and move on. Now all we’re left with are the memories

Listen sometimes life isn’t fair. Sometimes you have to say goodbye when you don’t want to. But, there is a silver lining to all this. You know what this means right. With Yabu now out of the picture……


If we’re being honest, that’s the only thing that is keeping me from a deep depression right now. Tacko currently is experiencing the love from Celtics fans that Yabu once had, my hope is that they all don’t eventually turn on Tacko if he too doesn’t really play while on the roster. Given what we’ve seen from both so far this summer I can understand what Ainge is thinking. Grant Williams sure does do a lot of the same things Yabu does and Tacko has been the most unstoppable force in Vegas. He wouldn’t be doing his job if he didn’t at least see what that combination can do. He knows what Yabu can do, and even if it pains me I can’t start doubting Ainge now. I have taken an oath to blindly trust that he knows what he is doing and what’s best for this team.

The worst part is I just know Yabu is going to find his way onto an NBA roster, get an actual opportunity and prove that he is a serviceable player in this league. Congratulations to whichever fanbase gets the privilege of bringing Yabu in, all I ask is that you take care of him and love him for the giant dancing bear he is.

So long Yabu, I’ll never forget you. If you’re reading this at your desk right now all I ask is that you throw up a quick dab one last time. For Yabu.

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