We've Got Quite a Sex Scandal Teacher Upgrade

When we last visited a Sex Scandal Teacher, right before the holiday, I presented you with Illinois teacher and wife of the pastor or Jordan Baptist School, Shannon Griffen. She was charged with sending nude texts and videos to a couple of her students. And not much else. Other than, again, she is the wife of the pastor. And apparently as judgmental as Rev. Lovejoy’s wife because one of the girls complained she was always the one who’d criticize the girls for not meeting her high moral standards of ladylike behavior. Here’s what I wrote:

Moral Compass/Bad Judgment: The charges are pretty vague. So we don’t know how much Shannon actually followed through on the sinful temptation of her nude photos and video.  But we do have her nude pictures and video. Which apparently went around the school faster than the Gospel. And what really sells this one is the interview with Yhaneera Aparicio-Armas, who apparently is one Baptist schoolgirl sick of being told that the hem of her uniform skirt had to be lower than her fingertips and she needed to keep enough space between her and her dance partner for the Holy Ghost. Actual contact will keep those Bad Judgment points rolling in. But blatant hypocrisy will do wonders for your Moral Compass score.
Grade: B

But I was wrong. There is more. Much, much more. (Source):

A kindergarten teacher at a religious school in suburban Burbank supplied alcohol to a 15-year-old student and had sex with him at least five times while he was underage, prosecutors alleged in court Wednesday.

Shannon Griffin, 49, a teacher at Jordan Baptist School, also allegedly sent nude images to that student and a 16-year-old boy using Snapchat and asked for illicit images in return, Cook County prosecutors said. Some of the photos showed her getting into the shower and included text saying, “Come on in,” and “Missing you,” Assistant State’s Attorney Kyle Gruca said. …

Gruca said in court Wednesday that most of the alleged sexual encounters between Griffin and the 15-year-old student occurred when the two had sex in the back of a minivan behind a Burger King near West 25th Street and South Pulaski Road in Chicago. That victim is now 21, Gruca said. Five of the alleged sexual encounters occurred when the victim was a student and a sixth occurred after he graduated in 2016, Gruca said.

The student, an athlete, and Griffin, a cheerleading coach, got to know each other while riding the bus to sporting events, according to Gruca. They continued talking over Snapchat and arranged times to meet up, Gruca said.

After the first alleged encounter in November 2013, Griffin gave the student one bottle of Maker’s Mark (bourbon), Gruca said. …

Griffin allegedly gave him another bottle of Maker’s Mark as a minor and $120 worth of alcohol after a sixth encounter when the student was 18, Gruca said.

In the second case, Griffin is accused of sending nude images to a 16-year-old student at Jordan Baptist in January 2018, Gruca said. That student, who is now 17, took six screen shots of images and messages that he allegedly received from Griffin on Snapchat, Gruca said. Some of the images included lewd captions, Gruca said.

Griffin’s attorney in court said that none of the images showed her client’s face. But the student told police he was able to identify Griffin because of an arrow tattoo on her hip and her Snapchat username.

The Rev. Griffin will have to forgive me for my language, but holy shit did I jump the gun on grading Shannon. Shower pictures. Invitations to join her. Minivan sex. Burger King parking lot sex. Maker’s Mark. MAKER’S MARK! Not some discount brand like Evan Williams. But the stuff I buy for special occasions. Which, I guess banging your Baptist school teacher for the first and sixth times and to celebrate after winning a big game on the road would constitute a pretty “special” occasion, indeed.

So well done, Cook County law enforcement. Thanks to all the SSToolies who sent me this update. And to Shannon Griffin, I’m sorry for not giving you the grade you deserved the first time. Fortunately for you, extra credit is always available.

Moral Compass/Bad Judgment:
Grade: A

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