You Just Hate To See Brett Gardner Having a WAY Better Season Than Mookie Betts In 2019

Shocking news folks. If you would have told me in March that Brett Gardner, a 35 year old 4th outfielder, would be having a WAY better season Mookie Betts at the half way point I would have slapped you silly. More home runs and more RBIs in four less games! Mookie is the MVP! The future $300 million man! Some people went as far to say that he is better than Mike Trout! To think the aging Brett Gardner could be dominating such a player at this point is nothing short of astonishing.

I love that bald, egg-shaped head man so much. Before the year I wanted nothing to do with bringing him back, now given how many injuries the Yankees have had, he’s been a bright spot. You want real evidence that the MLB has juiced the baseballs this year? Gardy is on pace for 30 homers. Incredible.

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