Straight Pride Organizers Called In The Bomb Squad After Someone Sent Them Glitter In The Mail

Source - Glitter-filled letters containing Bible verses were sent to organizers of Boston’s upcoming Straight Pride Parade, prompting a massive law-enforcement response – but police said they appeared to be perfectly legal, according to reports.

The Massachusetts state police bomb squad and the FBI responded to Woburn, Salisbury and Malden, where the suspicious letters showed up with “Happy Pride” signed in rainbow colors, a source close to the probe told NBC10.

One of the verses, according to the station, was Psalms 86:15: “But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness…”

The letters — which were delivered by the US Mail — did not have a return address, organizer Samson Racioppi of Salisbury told the local CBS affiliate.

“I flipped it over and there was tape around where it’s sealed. And so all of these are red flags for me. And then I shook it and you could hear something rattling around inside,” he said. “It wasn’t powder, it was bigger than powder, it felt more granular in nature, bigger than sand. I was immediately alarmed of course. I could hear something shaking … it was probably bigger than grains of sand and I was immediately suspicious,” he added.

The FBI said there was no threat to public safety and authorities said the letters appeared to be a legal use of the mail. The feds are working with local agencies to find out who is behind the mailings.

These poor, poor bastards are so afraid of gay people they think we’re trying to blow them up with an envelope full of glitter. Incase the organizers are reading this right now – we don’t want you to die, we want you to live long enough to see that you accidentally organized a Gay Pride Parade. After that we don’t care what happens to you.

Kirk caught up to these buffoons at their offices a few weeks ago and it’s one of my favorite videos of all time.

You can tell they don’t believe half the shit they’re saying, they’re just trying to get attention. It’s kind of sad, but it’s so entertaining watching them try to explain their logic. He talks them in circles. I just wish they’d give more interviews.

The best part of the whole thing is that they say the glitter bomb only made them more determined to put on the parade.

Racioppi is a member of Super Happy Fun America, which plans to hold the controversial straight pride parade in Beantown on Aug. 31 if it receives additional approvals.He said the letters won’t stop the parade from going forward. “If anything, it will make us more determined,” he told NBC10.

We will overcome! They also said they believe the glitter bomb was an act of terrorism.

Super Happy Fun America chief John Hugo said he and the two other group members didn’t open the envelopes.“We, of course, called the police, I mean why would we open something like that,” he told CBS. “Even if it’s nothing in it, it’s still terrorism as far as I’m concerned because obviously it’s meant to intimidate us.”

What a world. I cannot wait until one of these guys get outed. Regardless, I hope this parade actually happens. They only need to get a few more permits approved then it’s on for August 30th.

PS: Me rallying the troops for Straight Pride 

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