The Kemba Walker Era Is Already Off To A Fantastic Start

Yesterday was an interesting day for Celtics fans. The day started with the news we all expected, with Kemba Walker hopping on board with the largest contract in Celtics history, and then ended with a kick to the dick with our beloved Al Horford turning down the Celtics 4 year offer to go join the Sixers. Considering I am well into the process of blocking that reality from my brain, let’s focus on Kemba. He made his first public comments since the signing with SVP last not, let’s have a listen

Right off the bat you get Kemba’s appeal. Mature, professional, and sincere. Then he immediately goes into talking about competing at the highest level and how the Celtics were the best opportunity for him to make a run. Now look, this is as boiler plate as it comes. Of course the $141M had a lot to do with it, but he sounds like a guy who gets what it means to play for the Celtics. That’s big. The vibes I got here is that Kemba has no intention of trying to be something bigger than the Celtics, where it about him and his brand and all that shit. He sounds ready to get down to business and to really win for the first time in his career. That a big item to check off in my book.

But that’s just the start of it. He also put out this great piece on The Player’s Tribune, and certain parts stood out to me

And then lastly….. I just want to address the entire Hornets organization, top to bottom. I regret that we weren’t able to get to that next level, and do a little more than we did. But even if we fell short of some of our goals — that doesn’t change how proud I am of what we built here together.

Here’s an elite level point guard taking responsibility for their underachievement. Showing that it really bothered him they weren’t able to get over the hump together. A guy who was loyal to his group no matter how shitty they may have been. That’s interesting. Then there was also this

And then to the city of Boston, and to Celtics fans everywhere, like I said: I’m more of the quiet type. I’m a man of few words. So I’ll wrap this up in a minute. But mostly I just wanted to say a quick hello, and tell you all a little about myself, so you know what to expect.

I’m a leader in my own way. I’m never going to shout anyone off the court, or get overly negative. It’s not my style. But what I do is I take pride in making my teammates better — I’m that lead by example type. I like to keep it direct.

Sweet baby jesus is that not exactly what every Celtics fan wants to hear right now. After the bullshit we just lived through? The “leadership” we heard all about that was anything but actual leadership. You want to know why Celtics fans are excited about Kemba even if it’s a slight talent dip, THIS is why. He’s a real leader. He is not going to bring any of the bullshit that plagued this team last season from that same position and that’s going to have a giant impact on everything. I don’t think there is anything you could possibly say to win Celtics fans over quicker than that comment right there. That’s the money shot.

And then there was the way the piece ended

Charlotte….. you are my people forever. You’re family, straight up. I love you.

And Boston….. I’ll see you all in September. I’m ready. I’m truly ready.

Mature, professional, sincere.

We’re ready too Kemba, let’s fucking cook


This change in scenery had a little different of an approach than some other guy if you ask me.

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