Lena Dunham Says She'd Hate Being Pretty


Playboy: If you woke up tomorrow in the body of a Victoria’s Secret model, what would you do for the rest of the day?

Dunham: I’d be really disoriented and wonder what had happened in the night. Which enemy had dragged me to the doctor? I don’t think I’d like it very much. There would be all kinds of weird challenges to deal with that I don’t have to deal with now. I don’t want to go through life wondering if people are talking to me because I have a big rack. Not being the babest person in the world creates a nice barrier. The people who talk to you are the people who are interested in you. It must be a big burden in some ways to look that way and be in public. That said, I probably would want to see if I could get free food at restaurants. Then I’d call a doctor and see if she could return me to my former situation.


As if I didn’t already hate Lena Dunham enough. This shit PISSES ME OFF. As hipster as you can get. No I don’t care about being pretty. What if people talked to me only because I was pretty! I woulnd’t know what to do! If I was pretty I’d totally want the uber popular “make me the homeliest looking chick in the world with shitty tattoos” surgery.

Shut the FUCK up. Everyone wants to be good looking. If you don’t say you’d be happy to wake up looking like a Barbie or a Ken doll then you’re a liar. This is a materialistic society. Appearances matter. No one falls in love with your personality. Saying you’d hate to be good looking is just a flat out fucking lie and I’m really, really angry about it. Irrationally so. If you were a little prettier maybe everyone wouldn’t puke every time you got naked on your whiny fucking show.

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